How it Started

Like so many others, we decided to make the best of COVID and we bought an RV! Wow, did we dive in head first! June 2020 we found out our 2 girls had an option to attend school virtually, then my husband was told he was permanently working from home.

Fast forward 1 month, we figured out how to buy an RV, planned a 100 day trip and made reservations to visit 14 National Parks, bought all the accoutrements we thought we needed and left our home with 2 kids (6 and 9 years old), a dog, and a hedgehog.

We will take our time making sure your trip is flawless from start to finish.  That starts with trip planning help.  Then conducting a very detailed walk-through showing the inside and outs of the RV and providing you confidence to relax on your trip.  The icing on the cake is the option of simply handing over the keys, while we do all the dirty work by dumping the waste tanks and filling water, propane and gasoline.

We now love to share our experience to assist others with their RV adventures... whether it be a long weekend, a couple week trip, or a longer excursion we are here to answer every question and ensure it is amazing! Throughout the years we have met many incredible people and were so honored to be a little part in their adventures.

We have had HUGE success renting our RV. Our goal at first – pay for our expenses. That happened so easily, that the second goal was to provide an additional income to perhaps fund some of our adventures. We were so surprised at how much everyone LOVED our RV… just as much as we did! Not only have we had the opportunity to pay for our adventures, it is now a second income for our family. This has been such a game changer for our family, that we are now helping others do the same by offering year-round consignment for other owners.